AREA – A documented uchronia

AREA – A documented uchronia 

A radio piece produced by Anne Lepère 

Production – Babelfish asbl 

2022, 53 Minutes (Galician and French with English subtitles)

CCA Cinema, 7pm, Thursday 24th August

Tickets: Pay what you can from the CCA Box Office


This special screening of the English subtitled version of Anne Lepère’s radio play will coincide with a broadcast of the piece on Radiophrenia. Listeners at home can download a PDF translation of the script here and read along.


Chimerical appearances in the Galician night. 

Two mares surprise us. 

Vivid and fleeting, they leave a trace in us. 

From this appearance is born the desire to go back to the legend of the wild horses that populate Galicia. 

This journey can be listened in different orders. 

It is a twist of time where voices from the 16th century, telepathic visions of the future and rituals between humans and horses ricochet. Among them, we find the practice of farriery or the annual gathering Rapa das bestas during which humans meet wild horses. 

This audio drama is about the connection between humans and horses and more specifically about a traditional practice that began four centuries ago in Galicia. This heritage is called: Rapa das Bestas (The Shave of the Beasts). This ritual involves cutting the manes of the wild horses who live free at the mountains in a semi-feral state and that are performed in the curros (enclosed which retain the horses) held in various locations in Galicia (Spain). 

This tradition could be a Pre-Roman practice, given that various petroglyphs have been found in the area in which men are depicted on horseback. 

This Radio Drama is also an attempt to propose a travel into space and time. Indeed the piece is composed of five sequences that took place at different period of time, and can be heard remotely. It’s possible to make the experience here:

But for greater accessibility, there is an order that has been subtitled (SALT/IRON/MOSS/GOLD):


Production, sound design, recordings, texts: Anne Lepère 

Mixing : Jeanne Debarsy 

Dramaturgy: Marion Sage 

With the voices of Anne Thibault, animal telepath, the children, Maëlle Lùa and Malva Barros Mathurin, José Francisco Vieira, Gregorian singer, Sète, the blacksmith, José Antonio Sánchez Orgeira, Paulo Vicente, Sheila Miguez, inhabitants of Sabucedo.

With the complicity of the horses of Sabucedo, the horse Lùa of the horse club of Mondariz-Balnéario, the mare met in Redondela, the horses of equireliance in Bierges, the Galician mare met in Frasnes les Couvin with Brigitte. Thanks to Aurélie Brousse, Brigitte Wynant, Anne Baraquin and all the team of the ACSR. 

Web design : Julien Clemmen – Be Capy 

With the support of the “Fonds d’aide à la création radiophonique de la Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles”, of the ACSR and of the “Brouillon d’un rêve de la Scam” and of the “La Culture avec la Copie Privée”. 

Production Babelfish asbl 

Production manager : Aurélie Brousse


Anne Lepère (b.1985 Belgium) a Brussels-based artist, explores the relationships between various strains of sound design in her work: field recordings, radio drama, experimental music. During the years she has worked for several sound-related projects, Sounds of ecodays (eco-festival at Flagey), Monophonic (International Radio Festival), the radio shows Moniek (Radio Cabaret) to name a few. 

Today she is continuing to work at her own creations, where the use of voice is very often chosen as to start from a more intimate point before opening up to a larger frame. In 2018 she finished her first long radio drama “Autopoesis” supported by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the acsr recently awarded by the Palma Ars Acustica (UER-EBU Music) & the Sound Art prize at Phonurgia Nova Awards (Paris). 

Her work has been broadcasted on Radio and during events in Belgium (La Première, Musiq3, Radio Panik, Radio Campus, Flagey, Brass, CC Jacques Franck, cinema Nova…), as well as in Europe and beyond: Arte Radio (France), Le labo (Switzerland), Radiophrenia (Scotland), Nova Rté Lyrics (Ireland), international network, Kinokophone (New-York), Süden Radio (Berlin / Radio Papesse Italy), Nova (Roumania), Palma Ars Acustica (UER), 60 Secondes Radio (Canada), Utopie Sonore (Nantes)… 

She is now working more and more on stage with sounds live performance, installation and start to work with dancers & choreographers, following up a time of research with “Prototypes” program at Fondation Royaumont – (Paris 2016). She created the sound design and the music for several choreographic and theatre pieces: “Voilées” and “Madisoning” by Amélie Poirier, “En-Voût” and “Grand Tétras” by Marion Sage, “Rapid Eye Movement” by Estelle Gautier and soon “En Lieu-sûr” by Thibaut le Maguer and “Sérénités” by Danya Hammoud.